Top 1 rental apartments in or near Halstead

1. Cottonwood Acres

Cottonwood Acres
907 W 6th Street
Halstead, KS - 67056
37.9994218,-97.5173232 Harvey County
Cottonwood Acres provides Senior apartments. Cottonwood Acres is a low rent apartment in Halstead. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily

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More Low Income Apartment Options

Due to the small number of low income apartments in Halstead we have listed some area listings below.

Hickory Homes

Hickory Homes

175 W Hickory Street
Hesston, KS - 67062
Apartment Location: 8.29 miles from Halstead


Hickory Homes provides Senior apartments. Hickory Homes is a low rent apartment in Hesston. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds directly ... ...

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Eastview Gardens

Eastview Gardens

225 E Hickory
Hesston, KS - 67062
Apartment Location: 8.43 miles from Halstead

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Eastview Gardens offers family apartments.Eastview Gardens is a low-rent apartment in Heston.This apartment offers low-income families homes.This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low-income.This only means that the apartments have some low-income apartments.The government gives funds... ...

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Northview Residences

Northview Residences

1108 Russell Drive
Newton, KS - 67114
Apartment Location: 9.15 miles from Halstead

Northview Residences provides apartments. Northview Residences is a low rent apartment in Newton. This apartment provides low income people with disabilities homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gi... ...

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Meadowlark Housing

Meadowlark Housing

110 Columbus Ave
Newton, KS - 67114
(316) 283-2570
Apartment Location: 9.18 miles from Halstead

Meadowlark Housing provides low income apartments for those with disabilities. Meadowlark Housing is a low rent apartment in Newton. This apartment provides low income people with disabilities homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartm... ...

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Sunset Townhouses

Sunset Townhouses

1001 Boyd Ave
Newton, KS - 67114
316 283-5191
Apartment Location: 9.31 miles from Halstead

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Sunset Townhouses provides Family apartments. Sunset Townhouses is a low rent apartment in Newton. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds d... ...

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