Top 1 rental apartments in or near Thomas

1. Pineview Apartments

Pineview Apartments
Hc 60 Box 98
Thomas, WV - 26292
39.1489967,-79.4981090 Tucker County
304 463-4181
Pineview Apartments offers senior apartments.Pineview Apartments is a low-rent apartment in Thomas.This apartment offers seniors on low incomes a home.This does n
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More Low Income Apartment Options

Due to the small number of low income apartments in Thomas we have listed some area listings below.

Linwood Apartments

Linwood Apartments

Blackwater Ave
Davis, WV - 26260

Apartment Location: 3.29 miles from Thomas

Linwood Apartments provides apartments. Linwood Apartments is a low rent apartment in Davis. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds direct... ...

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Tucker Manor

Tucker Manor

202 Sunnyside Lane
Parsons, WV - 26287
304 478-2368
Apartment Location: 9.66 miles from Thomas


Tucker Manor provides Senior apartments. Tucker Manor is a low rent apartment in Parsons. This apartment provides low income seniors with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.The government gives funds directly to... ...

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Eleventh Street Mitchell Manor

Eleventh Street Mitchell Manor

214 N. 11th Street
Oakland, MD - 21550
Apartment Location: 18.80 miles from Thomas

Eleventh Street Mitchell Manor provides low income apartments for those with disabilities. Eleventh Street Mitchell Manor is a low rent apartment in Oakland. This apartment provides low income people with disabilities homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide f... ...

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Alpine Village

Alpine Village

500 Shaffer Avenue
Terra Alta, WV - 26764
Apartment Location: 19.61 miles from Thomas

Alpine Village provides Family apartments. Alpine Village is a low rent apartment in Terra Alta. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments. The government gives funds... ...

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Maplewood Townhouses II

Maplewood Townhouses II

209 Aurora Ave
Terra Alta, WV - 26764

Apartment Location: 19.78 miles from Thomas

Maplewood Townhouses II offers apartments.Maplewood Townhouses II is a low rent apartment in Terra Alta.This apartment provides a low income for seniors with homes.This does not necessarily mean that the entire complex is low income.This only means that the apartments provide a number of low-income apartments.The gover... ...

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