225 Kelly Lane
Lenoir City, TN - 37771
Phone Number: 865-986-6955
Mcghee Square provides Family apartments. Mcghee Square is a low rent apartment in Lenoir City. This apartment provides low income families with homes. This does not necessarily mean that the entire apartment complex is low income. This only means that the apartments provide for some low income apartments.
The government gives funds directly to apartment owners such as Mcghee Square. The apartments lower the rents they charge to low-income tenants. It is up to the apartment owners to decide how many apartments are available here at the low cost apartment rate.
To qualify for these apartments, you can earn no more than the income limit which is specified by the apartment when you apply for vacancy.
Call or visit the Mcghee Square management office to apply for openings. We urge you to call as most low income apartments nowadays have waiting lists. You will need to call them to find out current rates as they are also subject to change. We provide apartment rates where possible, but they are always subject to change as there are specials and other discounts available at different times of the year.
Response: Yes, they call the police on you for everything.
Response: If there is, there shouldn't be, since there are many units laying vacant.
Response: Entitled. They ban you for just sneezing. The asst manager has lived there for 14 years and puts cones out for no one to park in front of her apartment and has a huge sign stating it’s for her apartment and it states for security/manager parking. She thinks she is security. She comes running out of her apartment with a camera recording you and talking to you like crap and immediately calls the police to have you trespassed. And when the police come they immediately know where to go straight to her apartment and then to you. That tells you how many times she has called them. The police thinks this place is a joke but they have to do it when they don’t want to. And of course when you call the manager and try to talk to her about the situation she will of course back her up. Office personnel is very judgmental and entitled.
Response: Only if you're desperate.
Response: Absolutely NOT!!
Response: A third of your income or lower unless you make too much money then they're gonna gouge you for an insanely high and completely arbitrary "market rent", which skyrockets repeatedly every year. Now it is $725 for a two bedroom, pest infested unit.
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Response: Only water. You must pay LCUB for electricity.